Study on the Deinking Performance of Porous Calcium Silicate-filled Munken Paper
关键词:  多孔硅酸钙  轻型纸  脱墨性能  油墨去除率  高松厚度
Key Words:porous calcium silicate  munken paper  deinking performance  ink removal rate  high bulk
史梦华* 岳阳林纸股份有限公司湖南岳阳414002 414002
董超 岳阳林纸股份有限公司湖南岳阳414002 414002
刘春景 岳阳林纸股份有限公司湖南岳阳414002 414002
李丹 岳阳林纸股份有限公司湖南岳阳414002 414002
魏鑫鑫 长沙理工大学化学化工学院 湖南长沙410114 410114
王玉珑 长沙理工大学化学化工学院 湖南长沙410114 410114
戴洋 长沙理工大学化学化工学院 湖南长沙410114 410114
李玉林 长沙理工大学化学化工学院 湖南长沙410114 410114
吴学勋 湖南瑞福尼新材料科技有限公司湖南长沙410221 410221
摘要点击次数: 2829
全文下载次数: 1416
摘要:本研究对粉煤灰基多孔硅酸钙填料的物理性能进行了分析,并对多孔硅酸钙加填轻型纸的脱墨性能进行了研究。结果表明,多孔硅酸钙填料密度小、比表面积大、孔隙率高,呈现“蜂窝状”结构,且白度高,磨耗低;多孔硅酸钙加填轻型纸的脱墨性能好,脱墨浆白度增值高,经浮选脱墨后其油墨去除率、残余油墨浓度和脱墨浆ISO白度增值分别为84.3%、159.9 mg/kg和17.1%,明显优于轻质碳酸钙(轻钙)加填轻型纸(分别为68.9%、230.2 mg/kg和10.4%),但其浮选脱墨浆渣率略高于轻钙填料,两者分别为3.44%、2.32%。与轻钙加填轻型纸的脱墨浆相比,多孔硅酸钙加填轻型纸的脱墨浆纸张松厚度好、裂断长和耐折度高,有助于生产高松厚度、高强度纸张。
Abstract:In this study, physical properties of porous calcium silicate were analyzed, and the deinking performance of porous calcium silicate-filled munken paper was studied. The results showed that the porous calcium silicate with a honeycomb structrue was of low density, large specific surface area, high porosity and brightness, and low abrasion; the porous calcium silicate-filled munken paper showed good deinking performance with high pulp brightness increase, and ink removal rate, residual ink concentration and deinked pulp brightness increase after flotation deinking were 84.3%, 159.9 mg/kg and 17.1%, respectively, significantly higher than those of (PCC) counterpart (corresponding to 68.9%, 230.2 mg/kg and 10.4%, respectively); however, the deinked pulp reject rate of the porous calcium silicate filled munken paper was slightly higher than that of the PCC filled munken paper, which were 3.44% and 2.32%, respectively; the handsheet analysis showed that the deinked pulp of porous calcium silicate-filled munken paper had higher bulk, breaking length and folding endurance strength, which was beneficial to producing high-bulk and high-strength paper.
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