Removal Rule of Iron Ions by Acid Treatment during the Preparation of Insulating Bamboo Pulp
关键词:  绝缘竹浆  酸处理  铁离子
Key Words:insulating bamboo pulp  acid treatment  iron ion
李盛世 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院广东广州510640 510640
刘梦茹 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院广东广州510640 510640
秦晓 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院广东广州510640 510640
张占波 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院广东广州510640 510640
李海龙* 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院广东广州510640 510640
摘要点击次数: 3162
全文下载次数: 2083
摘要:探讨了竹浆制备过程中,硫酸和柠檬酸处理对铁离子去除的影响,揭示了铁离子的去除规律,建立了相应的预测模型,并对高纯度绝缘竹浆的性能进行分析。结果表明,采用硫酸和柠檬酸处理竹浆,铁离子的去除历程大致可分为快速去除、充分去除和残余去除3个阶段。当酸用量1%、处理时间60 min、处理温度70℃时,铁离子的去除效果较佳。与硫酸处理相比,柠檬酸处理所得纸浆纤维损伤小,聚合度无明显变化,纸张的物理强度较优。经硫酸和柠檬酸处理后的竹浆均可满足高纯度绝缘浆的质量要求。
Abstract:The effects of sulfuric acid and citric acid treatment on the removal of iron ions during the preparation of bamboo pulp were discussed. The rules of iron ion removal were revealed and the corresponding predicting model was established. The properties of high-purity insulating bamboo pulp were also discussed. The results showed that the removal process of iron ions could be roughly divided into three stages: rapid removal, sufficient removal and residual removal. The optimum treatment conditions were obtained that the dosage of acid was 1% at the processing temperature of 70°C with the processing time of 60 mins. Compared with the sulfuric acid treatment, the pulp fibers obtained by citric acid treatment were less damaged, and the degree of polymerization had no obvious change with a better mechanical strength. The bamboo pulp treated with sulfuric acid or citric acid could both meet the quality requirements of high-purity insulating pulp.
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