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铁泥基催化剂非均相Fenton深度处理造纸废水 |
Advanced Treatment of Papermaking Wastewater by Heterogeneous Fenton Process with Iron Sludge-based Catalyst |
收稿日期:2021-11-04 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2022.05.001 |
关键词: Fenton处理 污泥 铁泥基催化剂 非均相Fenton 造纸废水 |
Key Words:Fenton treatment sludge iron sludge-based catalyst heterogeneous Fenton papermaking wastewater |
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摘要点击次数: 3052 |
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摘要:以Fenton氧化处理造纸废水产生的污泥为原料,复配粉煤灰、煤泥、羧甲基纤维素钠,采用高温热解的方法制备铁泥基催化剂。以废纸造纸二沉池出水为目标污染物,并以CODCr去除率和色度去除率作为评价指标,研究了非均相Fenton深度处理过程中铁泥基催化剂对废水的处理效果。结果表明,铁泥基催化剂的比表面积为230 m2/g;当反应体系初始pH值为2.5、催化剂投加量15 g/L、m(CODCr)∶m(H2O2)=1∶1.5、反应时间100 min时,CODCr去除率为66.7%,色度去除率高于80%,污泥产量比均相Fenton降低了91%~94%。 |
Abstract:Iron sludge-based catalysts were prepared via high temperature pyrolysis, with sludge from papermaking wastewater treated by Fenton oxidation as raw material, and compounded with fly ash, coal sludge and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose. The effects of iron sludge-based catalyst on the treatment of wastewater during heterogeneous Fenton advanced treatment were studied with effluent of secondary sedimentation tank of waste papermaking as the target pollutant, and CODCr removal rate and color removal rate as the evaluation indexes. The results showed that the specific surface area of iron sludge-based catalyst was 230 m2/g. When the initial pH value of the reaction system was 2.5, the dosage of catalyst was 15 g/L, m(CODCr)∶m(H2O2) was 1∶1.5, and the reaction time was 100 min, the removal rate of CODCr was 66.7%, the removal rate of color was higher than 80%, and the sludge yield was 91%~94% lower than that of homogeneous Fenton. |
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