Study on Preparation of Neosinocalamusaffinis Fluff Pulp by Mild Alkali Pretreatment
关键词:  慈竹  碱处理  硫酸盐法制浆  筛分  绒毛浆
Key Words:neosinocalamusaffinis  alkali treatment  kraft pulping  screening  fluff pulp
王梦迪 华南理工大学造纸与污染控制国家工程研究中心广东广州510640 510640
雷以超* 华南理工大学造纸与污染控制国家工程研究中心广东广州510640 510640
摘要点击次数: 3368
全文下载次数: 2139
摘要:本研究以慈竹为原料,在传统硫酸盐法制浆工艺的基础上,通过温和碱预处理去除半纤维素及分级筛筛分杂细胞选取长纤维两段工艺来生产绒毛浆,探究其对原料化学组成、浆料性能、纤维形态及最终吸水特性的影响。结果表明,相比未处理慈竹原料,在80℃下采用100 g/L的NaOH溶液预处理慈竹片1 h,可去除55.56%灰分和42.18%半纤维素,预处理后浆料纤维长度达2.29 mm(30目以上筛分)。经筛分后的浆料进行氧脱木素及无元素氯(ECF)漂白处理,处理后绒毛浆白度达90.5%,吸水时间7.19 s,吸水量13.15 g/g,干蓬松度24.62 cm3/g,耐破度752.0 kPa,与商品绒毛浆性能基本相似。
Abstract:In this study, using neosinocalamusaffinisas raw materials,on the basis of traditional kraft pulping process, the fluff pulp was produced by mild alkali pretreatment to remove hemicellulose and screen impurities with Bauer-McNett classifier to select long fibers. The effects on raw material chemical composition, pulp properties, fiber morphology and final water absorption properties were investigated. The results showed that under the condition of pretreatment with 100 g/L sodium hydroxide solution for 1 h at 80℃, 55.56% of ash and 42.18% of hemicellulose were removed. In addition, the fiber length of the pretreated pulp by screening with 30 mesh reached 2.29 mm.Subsequently, the pulp was subjected to ECF bleaching treatment to produce qualified fluff pulp,and its whiteness was 90.5%,the water absorption time was 7.19 s, the water absorptioncapacity was 13.15 g/g, the specific volume was 24.62 cm3/g and bursting strength was 752.0 kPa,which was basically similar to the commercial fluff pulp.
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