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“双碳”目标下工程行业助力制浆造纸行业绿色建造与可持续发展 |
Green Construction and Sustainable Development from Engineering Companies of Pulp and Paper Making Engineering Based on the "Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality" Goals |
收稿日期:2022-02-14 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2022.03.013 |
关键词: 绿色建造 制浆造纸 降碳减排 数字化管理 能源结构 以纸代塑 |
Key Words:green construction pulp and paper making carbon and emission reduction digital management energy structure replace plastic with paper |
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摘要点击次数: 3559 |
全文下载次数: 2108 |
摘要:本文以某公司工程方面绿色建造为例,论述了采用生物质原料和可再生能源、优化碱回收、热电联产等调整能源用料结构的方式,以实现制浆造纸工业碳减排和能源结构的低碳化。工业中可在生产运维端引入并创新一系列循环、低碳类设备和技术,如改进蒸煮技术、采用无元素氯漂白技术、采用中水回用技术、进行数字化“双碳”管理等,将“双碳”目标融入咨询、设计、施工、运营全过程。 |
Abstract:The ways to adjust the structure of energy materials to achieve carbon emission reduction and low carbon energy structure in pulp and paper making industry were discussed in this paper, such as use of biomass raw materials and renewable energy, optimization of alkali recovery, co-generation and other methods. In the industry, a series of recyclable and low-carbon equipment and technologies could be introduced and innovated on the production and operation side to integrate the "carbon peak and carbon neutrality" goal into the whole process of consulting, design, construction and operation, like improving cooking technology, using ECF bleaching technology, using reclaimed water reuse technology, carrying out the digital "carbon peak and carbon neutrality" management, etc. |
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