Application Simulation Research of Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization in Intelligent Control Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Process
关键词:  污水处理过程  粒子群算法  智能控制策略  BSM1
Key Words:wastewater treatment process  particle swarm optimization  intelligent control strategy  BSM1
王爱其 浙江景兴纸业股份有限公司浙江嘉兴314214 314214
陈科 浙江景兴纸业股份有限公司浙江嘉兴314214 314214
摘要点击次数: 5211
全文下载次数: 2437
Abstract:Based on the international benchmark simulation model of wastewater treatment simulation platform, the adaptive particle swarm optimization (APSO) was used to carry out the intelligent control optimization simulation experiment research of wastewater treatment process (WWTP) in this paper. Firstly, the structure and principle of the international benchmark simulation model BSM1 were introduced in detail. Based on the simulation conditions of BSM1, with the goal of effluent water quality reaching the standard and the minimum energy consumption, the optimization objective function of WWTP was constructed. Then, based on the time-varying parameter strategy, APSO was constructed to optimize the control parameters in WWTP. Finally, based on BSM1 wastewater treatment simulation process, the control optimization effect of APSO was verified and analyzed. Relevant experimental research and results showed that the intelligent control optimization strategy based on APSO could effectively reduce energy consumption under the premise of ensuring that the water quality met the standard, and had certain engineering guiding significance for the control optimization of the actual WWTP.
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