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基于生命周期评价的瓦楞原纸产品碳足迹评价 |
Carbon Footprint Assessment Method of Corrugated Medium on Life Cycle Assessment |
收稿日期:2021-02-11 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2021.08.007 |
关键词: 瓦楞原纸 碳足迹 温室气体 生命周期评价 |
Key Words:corrugated medium carbon footprint greenhouse gas (GHG) life cycle assessment (LCA) |
基金项目:河南省固体废弃物分类处理与高值化利用工程研究中心关键技术攻关项目“一种典型纸产品的生态设计研究与示范”(NO.CHSW2020TC001);河南省基本建设科学实验研究院有限公司科技研发项目“典型纸产品(瓦楞原纸)全生命周期评价研究”(项目编号:2020GY001)。 |
摘要点击次数: 5244 |
全文下载次数: 3435 |
摘要:依据PAS 2050: 2011,采用B2B的方法利用eFootprint系统,对以废纸为原料生产的瓦楞原纸产品进行碳足迹评价。评价结果表明,生产1000 kg瓦楞原纸所排放的温室气体量为1226.79 kg CO2e,其中废纸制浆和抄纸过程是温室气体(GHG)主要排放过程,分别占GHG排放量的32.6%和54.1%;GHG排放主要来自能源消耗。因此造纸工业降低化石燃料利用比例及单位产品能耗是推动行业碳减排的必由之路。 |
Abstract:According to PAS 2050: 2011, the eFootprint system was used to evaluate the carbon footprint of corrugated medium produced from wastepaper using a “Business to Business” approach. The results showed that the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the production of 1000 kg of corrugated medium were 1226.79 kgCO2e, of which wastepaper pulping and papermaking processes were the main GHG emission processes, accounting for 32.6% and 54.1% of GHG emissions, respectively. GHG emission was mainly from the consumption of energy. Therefore, reducing the proportion of fossil fuel utilization and energy consumption per unit product in the paper industry was the only way to promote carbon emission reduction in the industry. |
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