Thermogravimetry of Jasmine Microcapsule and Its Effect on Pyrolysis Products of Cigarette Paper
关键词:  微胶囊  卷烟纸  热重分析  热裂解
Key Words:microcapsule  cigarette paper  thermogravimetry  pyrolysis
任周营 江西中烟工业有限责任公司江西南昌330096 330096
何力 江西中烟工业有限责任公司江西南昌330096 330096
邹恩凯 江西中烟工业有限责任公司江西南昌330096 330096
占小林 江西中烟工业有限责任公司江西南昌330096 330096
邵灯寅 江西中烟工业有限责任公司江西南昌330096 330096
肖维毅 云南瑞升烟草技术(集团)有限公司云南昆明650106 650106
沈妍 云南瑞升烟草技术(集团)有限公司云南昆明650106 650106
黄海群 云南瑞升烟草技术(集团)有限公司云南昆明650106 650106
摘要点击次数: 4088
全文下载次数: 2316
Abstract:The thermogravimetric and pyrolysis products of homemade microcapsules and cigarette paper containing microcapsule were analyzed by thermogravimetric analyzer and pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results showed that the main loss of microcapsule mass occurred above 235℃, the core material was gradually released from the holes where the wall material was decomposed, The whole process of mass loss was relatively smooth without sudden release; The pyrolysis products of cigarette paper containing jasmine microcapsule were mainly volatile small molecule aldehydes and ketones. With the increase of pyrolysis temperature, the products of pyrolysis increased obviously at 600℃, but the increase was not as high as the control at 900℃. Cigarette paper containing jasmine microcapsule pyrolysis at 300℃ produced methyl dihydrojasmonate with characteristics of jasmine, which created a certain impact on the composition and sensory quality of cigarette smoke.
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