Study on the Effect of Reinforcement Fibers on the Properties of Carbon Paper for Fuel Cell
关键词:  增强纤维  碳纸  燃料电池  气体扩散层  电阻率
Key Words:reinforcing fiber  carbon paper  fuel cell  gas diffusion layer  resistivity
张旻昊 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 510640
王阳 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 510640
华飞果 浙江金昌特种纸股份有限公司浙江衢州324400 324400
童树华 浙江金昌特种纸股份有限公司浙江衢州324400 324400
杨仁党 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 510640
孟育 浙江金昌特种纸股份有限公司浙江衢州324400 324400
许跃 中国制浆造纸研究院有限公司北京100102 100102
摘要点击次数: 4358
全文下载次数: 3312
摘要:本研究分别采用亚麻纤维、黏胶纤维、ES纤维作为增强纤维与碳纤维复合制得碳纸前驱体(CPP),经树脂浸渍、热压(温度140℃,压力10 MPa)、热处理(氮气保护下,温度980℃)制备了可应用于燃料电池气体扩散层的高性能碳纸,研究了3种增强纤维及其用量对CPP强度以及对碳纸电阻率、孔隙率、拉伸强度的影响。结果表明,增强纤维显著提高了碳纸的拉伸强度,并使碳化后的树脂产生固定作用,降低了碳纸电阻率及孔隙率。亚麻纤维用量20%时,增强效果最优。相比未添加增强纤维碳纸,碳纸的拉伸强度由18.5 MPa提升至20.4 MPa,提高了10%;电阻率由36.7 mΩ·cm降低至34.2 mΩ·cm,降低了7%;孔隙率由63%下降至56.4%,降低了10%。
Abstract:Fiber composite carbon paper precursors (CPP) were prepared by using flax fibers, viscose fibers, and ES fibers as reinforcement fibers to mix with carbon fibers respectively as rew material. Then CPP was impregnated with resin, hot pressed (temperature 140℃, pressure 10 MPa) and heat treated (under nitrogen protection, temperature at 980℃) to make high-performance carbon paper for gas diffusion layer of fuel cell. The effects of adding three kinds of reinforcing fibers on CPP strength, carbon paper resistivity, porosity and tensile strength were studied. The results showed that the reinforcing fibers could fix the carbonized resin, significantly increase the tensile strength of carbon paper, and reduced the resistivity and porosity of carbon paper. When the dosage of flax fiber was 20%, compared with no reinforcement fibers carbon paper, the tensile strength of carbon paper was increased from 18.5 MPa to 20.4 MPa, an increase of 10%. The resistivity was reduced from 36.7 mΩ·cm to 34.2 mΩ·cm, a decrease of 7%. The porosity decreased from 63% to 56.4%, a decrease of 10%.
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