Assessment of Stability of Volatile Organic Compounds Contents in Cigarette Paper
关键词:  烟用纸张  挥发性有机化合物  相似度  质量稳定性
Key Words:cigarette paper  volatile organic compounds  similarity  quality stability
金吉琼 上海牡丹香精香料有限公司技术中心上海201210 201210
沈世豪 上海烟草集团有限责任公司技术中心上海200082 200082
虞桂君 上海烟草集团有限责任公司技术中心上海200082 200082
崔体强 上海牡丹香精香料有限公司技术中心上海201210 201210
史佳沁 上海烟草集团有限责任公司技术中心上海200082 200082
摘要点击次数: 5310
全文下载次数: 3505
摘要:本研究使用顶空-气相色谱质谱联用(HS-GC/MS)方法定性定量分析商标纸、接装纸和内衬纸3类烟用纸张中挥发性有机化合物(VOCs),使用POWER BI气泡图深入剖析挥发性组分特征,并采用相似度算法建立各类纸张材料质控图予以有效评估烟用纸张质量稳定性。结果表明,以挥发性化合物的相对含量、检测频率和波动度3个维度深入分析各类烟用纸张中挥发性组分特征,可清晰聚焦纸张产品中影响质量稳定性的关键挥发性组分;接装纸相似度均值为0.991,标准偏差仅为0.014,产品波动度最小,质量均一性高于商标纸和内衬纸;相似度质控图可快速识别样品中挥发性组分整体波动性较大的异常样品,从而有效监控烟用纸张中VOCs全组分的质量稳定性。
Abstract:To evaluate cigarette paper quality stability, HS-GC/MS method was utilized to analysis volatile organic compounds (VOCs) qualitatively and quantitatively from different batches of trademark paper, tip paper and inner liner. POWER BI bubble diagram was employed to profile features of volatile compounds in cigarette paper profoundly. Similarity algorithm was applied to establish quality control chart. Results showed: relative content, detected frequency and volatility of VOCs were applied to profile features of VOCs, which facilitated to focus the crucial VOCs which directly affected quality stability of cigarette paper. Similarity of tip paper was 0.991 with standard deviation of 0.014, which demonstrated lower fluctuation and higher quality consistency compared with trademark paper and inner liner. Similarity quality control chart could quickly recognize unusual samples with overall higher volatility of VOCs content, which offered effective measure to monitor quality stability of total components of VOCs in cigarette paper.
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