Preparation of Cellulose Nanofibril by Alkaline Oxidation Process with NaClO2
关键词:  NaClO2  氧化  高压均质  纤维素纳米纤丝  Zeta电位
Key Words:NaClO2  oxidation  high-pressure homogenization  cellulose nanofibril  zeta potential
王东升 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 300457
杨秋林 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457
刘秋娟 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 300457
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摘要:以高温自水解处理后的漂白硫酸盐针叶木浆为原料,采用亚氯酸钠(NaClO2)碱性氧化结合高压均质处理制备纤维素纳米纤丝(CNF)。探讨了氧化时间、NaClO2用量、氧化温度、浆浓对氧化后浆料Zeta电位和NaClO2消耗情况等的影响。结果表明,NaClO2氧化后浆料的Zeta电位显著降低,适宜的氧化条件为:氧化时间6 h,NaClO2用量8%,氧化温度95℃,浆浓10%,该氧化条件下浆料的Zeta电位为-37.6 mV,较氧化前降低了43%。将上述氧化后的浆料进行高压均质处理,得到CNF产品,对其进行了形态尺寸、黏度、Zeta电位和热失重等分析。结果表明,最优氧化条件下得到的纸浆在80 MPa下均质70次,得到尺寸分布良好的CNF产品,其直径主要分布在20~60 nm之间,长径比大于100,CNF胶体的Zeta电位为-42.3 mV,具有良好的稳定性。
Abstract:In the present work, a combined method involving oxidation and high-pressure homogenization was used to treat the autohydrolyzed BKP (bleached softwood kraft pulp) for preparing cellulose nanofibril(CNF). Under alkaline condition, NaClO2 was used as an oxidant to decrease the zeta potential and the DP of the pulp. The oxidation time, temperature, NaClO2 dosage, as well as the pulp consistency were optimized, the zeta potential of the oxidized pulp, and the consumption of NaClO2 were determined. The results showed that the zeta potential of the oxidized pulp was obviously decreased, and the optimum conditions of oxidation were as follows: pulp consistency 10%, NaClO2 dosage 8%, oxidation time 6 h, and oxidation temperature 95℃. Under that optimized conditions, the zeta potential of the oxidized pulp was -37.6 mV, with a decrease of 43% compairing to the autohydorlyzed pulp. The oxidized pulp was treated using high-pressure homogenization to obtain CNF, and the dimension, viscosity, TG as well as the zeta potential of the CNF were analyzed. The results showed that the CNF with a good size distribution was prepared when the oxidized pulp was homogenized under 80 MPa for 70 times. The diameter distribution of the CNF was mainly in the range of 20~60 nm, and its length-to-diameter ratio was over 100. The zeta potential of the CNF was as low as -42.3 mV, indicating that the CNF had a good dispersion stability in aqueous medium.
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