Preparation of Functional Negative Ion Wallpaper
关键词:  功能壁纸  负离子  负离子释放量
Key Words:function wallpaper  negative ion  negative ion release
赵传山1 1. 齐鲁工业大学省部共建生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室山东济南250353 
李 辉1 1. 齐鲁工业大学省部共建生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室山东济南250353 
熊晓敏1 1. 齐鲁工业大学省部共建生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室山东济南250353 
王姗姗1 1. 齐鲁工业大学省部共建生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室山东济南250353 
李杰华1 1. 齐鲁工业大学省部共建生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室山东济南250353 
郭兴亮2 2. 山东中冠新材料科技有限公司山东淄博255400 
摘要点击次数: 7638
全文下载次数: 2024
摘要:功能壁纸因其绿色环保、功能性强等特性已成为新型的居家壁纸装饰材料。通过研究负离子粉体,制备了负离子涂料,并将该涂料涂布于壁纸表面,制备出负离子涂料壁纸;通过研究负离子纤维,并以该纤维作为主要原料按照壁纸的抄造工艺制备出负离子纤维壁纸。结果表明,两种功能壁纸的基本物理性能可满足壁纸优等品的国家标准;负离子释放量分别为3800个/cm3、4800个/cm3;甲醛去除率均可达92%;经过紫外线老化实验后,负离子释放量分别下降15.2%和23.5%;年辐射量均低于3 mSv,均在人体每年所吸收空气和地表的辐射范围内。
Abstract:Functional wallpaper has become a new type of decorating material because of its strong functionality and is environmentally friendly. In this paper, two new negative ion functional wallpapers were obtained by preparing negative ion coatings and negative ion fibers which were applied to paper based wallpaper. The results showed that the basic physical indexes of the two kinds of wallpaper could meet the national standard; the amount of releasing negative ion was 3800 /cm3 and 4800 /cm3 respectively. The removal rate of formaldehyde by the wallpaper could reach 92%, and the negative ion releasing rates dropped 15.2% and 23.5% respectively in the simulated 15 days natural aging experiment.
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