Preparation and Characterization of Oil-water Separation Filter Paper
关键词:  阳离子乳液  纤维素  油水分离
Key Words:cationic emulsion  cellulose  oil-water separation
司景航 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
许孟杰 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
周雪松* 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
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摘要:本研究先采用半连续种子乳液聚合工艺制备阳离子型苯丙类乳液,再通过溶胶-凝胶转相法制备表面粗糙的纤维素-SiO2复合颗粒,然后将纤维素-SiO2复合颗粒沉积至定量滤纸表面,再喷淋阳离子型苯丙类乳液使其黏附在定量滤纸上,制备一种油水分离滤纸;探讨了不同纤维素-SiO2复合颗粒的粒径、用量对油水分离滤纸抗水性能的影响;并通过油水混合液的过滤时间来计算油水分离滤纸的油水分离效率,研究了纤维素-SiO2复合颗粒的用量以及油液种类对油水分离滤纸的油水分离效率的影响。研究表明,采用粒径为13.9 μm的纤维素-SiO2复合颗粒,以8%的用量沉积到定量滤纸表面,可得到性能最优的油水分离滤纸,此时油水分离滤纸对水的静态接触角为143.7°,对十六烷与水混合液的分离效率为99.7%。
Abstract:In this research, cationic styrene-acrylic emulsion was prepared by semi-continuous seed emulsion polymerization. The cellulose-SiO2 composite particles prepared by sol-gel phase inversion method with deposited on to the filter paper, the oil-water seperation filter paper was prepared by spraying cationic styrene-acrylic emulsion on it. The influences of particle size and deposit amount of cellulose-SiO2 particle on the water resistance of the oil-water seperation filter paper were investigated. The oil-water separation efficiency of the filter paper was calculated based on the amount of water from the oil-water mixture, and the effects of the amount of deposited particles and the type of oil on the oil-water separation efficiency of the filter paper were studied. The results showed that the best performance of the oil-water separation filter could be obtained when the diameter of composite particles was 13.9 μm and the deposit amount was 8%. The static contact angle of the filter paper to water was 143.7 °. The separation efficiency of a mixture of alkane and water could reach 99.7%.
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