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靴压可控中高辊多油垫流体静力支承的应用研究 |
The Application of Multiple Oil Pocket Hydrostatic Bearing in Controlled Crown Roll |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2017.10.011 |
关键词: 靴压 流体静力学支承 恒定的油膜厚度 |
Key Words:shoe press hydraostatic bearing constant thickness of oil film |
基金项目:河北省廊坊市2017年度哲学社会科学研究课题(2017096)。 |
摘要点击次数: 6752 |
全文下载次数: 2399 |
摘要:靴压是现代造纸机的一个压榨设备。基于流体静力原理,靴辊和可控中高辊采用同一个比例溢流阀输出压力,能够实现宽压区和高线压,使靴压的工作负载与比例溢流阀的输出压力成线性关系,且油膜厚度不随负载变化而变化,相当于形成刚度无限大的油膜。该设计延长了靴压在高负荷生产中的使用寿命,大大的提高了生产效率。 |
Abstract:Shoe press is a key equipment in modern paper making process.Shoe press counter roll is a controlled crown roll, the loading of the shoe press and counter roll is the same presure output by a proportional relief valve, the design is very smart to keep the oil film between the loading shoe and shell of the counter roll allways the same thickness, regardless of the linear presure changes, therefore the stiffness of the oil film is infinitely great, which extends the working life of the equipment. |
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