The Design of Asynchronous Motor Soft Starter Based on Discrete Variable Frequency
关键词:  异步电机  软启动器  离散变频  电流检测
Key Words:asynchronous motor  soft starter  discrete variable frequency  current-sensing
马文明1 1.西京学院, 陕西西安,710123 
宫文展2 2.博世力士乐(西安)电子传动与控制有限公司, 陕西西安,710018 
摘要点击次数: 6403
全文下载次数: 2335
Abstract:Aiming at the problems of asynchronous motor such as small starting torque, large starting current and can not starting heavy-load, a soft starter based on discrete variable frequency control method was designed. Firstly, the hardware of soft starter based on three-phase anti parallel thyristor main circuit and high performance DSP28335 was designed, the calculating the effective value of current using high speed A/D was realized. Then, the soft start control strategy based on discrete variable frequency was analyzed, the soft starting method of 7-4-3 frequency division to power frequency voltage regulation was presented and the discrete frequency software design was completed. Finally, the Matlab simulation and experimental results showed that the discrete variable frequency soft start method could effectively reduce the starting current at the same load rate, the efficiency of discrete frequency conversion was verified.
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