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气垫式热风箱及纸张传热性能模拟研究 |
The Numerical Simulation Research on Heat Transfer in Hot Air Box System and Paper Sheet |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2016.07.011 |
关键词: 气垫式 热风箱 传热特性 数值模拟 |
Key Words:air cushion hot air box heat-transfer characteristic numerical simulation |
基金项目:南京工程学院青年资金项目(QKJA2011007)。 |
作者 | 单位 | 张长飞 | 南京工程学院环境工程系,江苏南京,211167 | 丁克强 | 南京工程学院环境工程系,江苏南京,211167 | 李乾军 | 南京工程学院环境工程系,江苏南京,211167 | 张东平 | 南京工程学院环境工程系,江苏南京,211167 | 吴功德 | 南京工程学院环境工程系,江苏南京,211167 |
摘要点击次数: 6933 |
全文下载次数: 2435 |
摘要:通过最小二乘法研究热空气在气垫式热风箱内的速度、静压、温度分布,探讨了入口风速、高度比、入口温度、开孔率和喷口方式对气垫层不均匀指数、气垫静压和表面传热系数的影响规律。通过量纲分析拟合Nu的函数关系式,数值模拟值与拟合值比较表明,最大相对误差为9.53%,均方根误差为9.5%,拟合方程可为热风箱气垫层表面传热系数的优化研究提供参考。 |
Abstract:The distribution of hot air speed, temperature and static pressure in the hot air box,and the influence of inlet velocity, height ratio, air temperature, percentage of opening and the style of jets on the uneven index, static pressure and surface heat transfer coefficient of the air cushion were discussed. With dimensional analysis, a functional relationship of Nu was obtained. Comparing fitted values with numerical simulation values, the maximum relative error was 9.53%,root mean square error was 9.5%. The fitting formula could be used to study and calculate heat transfer coefficient in engineering cushion layer. |
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