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生物质气化技术及产业化应用 |
Biomass Gasification Technology Introduction and Industrial References |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2015.12.013 |
关键词: 生物质热分解 生物质气化 BFB气化炉 CFB燃烧炉 GoBiGas项目 生物质甲烷气 |
Key Words:biomass pyrolysis biomass gasification BFB gasifier CFB combustor GoBiGas project biomass methane |
基金项目:本课题系陕西省教育厅专项项目资金支持,项目编号12JK0601。 |
摘要点击次数: 5802 |
全文下载次数: 2180 |
摘要:生物质热分解(气化)技术是生物质热转化技术的核心之一,分为生物质直接气化技术和生物质间接气化技术。生物质间接气化技术可以实现生物合成气、热、电的高效联产。本文介绍和分析了欧洲已经建成的第一个大型生物甲烷气示范项目和实现生物质甲烷气并网用于汽车用气和居家燃气的流程。 |
Abstract:Biomass pyrolysis technology is just half of biomass thermal converting technology, it includes biomass direct gasification and indirect gasification. Latest technology of biomass gasification can realize the high efficiency integration of biogas, heat and electricity production. This paper introduced the large scale biogas demonstration project and the end product had been supplied to natural gas grid to use for vehicles and residents home using in Europe. |
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