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现阶段我国麦草原料制浆造纸生产状况解析 |
Analysis of Current Situation of Pulp and Paper Production with Wheat Straw as Material in China |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2012.11.014 |
关键词: 麦草 制浆造纸工业 发展规划 环境保护 |
Key Words:wheat straw pulp and paper industry development plan environmental protection |
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摘要点击次数: 5526 |
全文下载次数: 1707 |
摘要:通过总结和分析国内4家麦草制浆造纸生产企业技术经济指标和原料、资源消耗等基础数据,了解我国麦草制浆造纸工业生产现状,结合国家“十二五”制浆造纸工业发展规划以及GB3544—2008标准等现行政策、法规所提出的具体要求,对现阶段我国麦草原料制浆造纸生产所面临的新形势、新问题提出具体分析,为相关企业以及管理部门确立今后麦草制浆造纸技术发展路线提供参考。 |
Abstract:The current situation of pulp and paper production using wheat straw as raw material in China was evaluated based on the original data of raw material and resource consumptions, etc, technical performances and economical indices from four mills. The new challenges and oncoming problems facing by wheat straw pulping and papermaking were analyzed. Some constructive suggestions were provided with the particular consideration of both the national 12th “5-year plan” of pulp and paper industry and the requirements of current policies and rules, such as the GB3544—2008 for environment protection, it will be of benefit to the wheat straw pulping and papermaking development in China in the future. |
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