Mixing Technology of Starch and Filler Simultaneously Close to the Headbox
关键词:  闪急混合  添加剂  快速响应
Key Words:flash mixing  additives  short response time
尤尼·马杜拉 芬兰温德造纸湿部技术公司芬兰 
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Abstract:During the past several years it has been consistently studied and developed concepts to bring filler and different chemicals from thick stock area and from early stage wet-end process closer to the headbox feed area.An immediate and effective mixing with flash mixing process makes it possible to inject papermaking additives e.g. retention aid and sizing chemicals into stock very close to the headbox. The developed versatile mixing technology makes it possible to mix also filler into headbox feed stock simultaneously and together with retention aid agent at the same location. As a result the process is simpler, it has a very short response time, filler retention can be better and sheet properties develop positively. In combination with fast TrumpJet Flash Mixing process targeted results are reduction in consumption of additives, improved efficiency and cleanliness of the process due to reduced circulation of additives in the process, much faster response time and reduced energy consumption together with eliminated use of water or filtrate used conventionally in mixing. Objective is to improve chemistry and process with mechanical means.
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