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胶原基絮凝剂对中段废水的沉淀特性研究 |
Flocculation Performance of Collagen-based Flocculant in Papermaking Wastewater |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.12.007 |
关键词: 废皮屑 絮凝剂 絮凝特性 造纸废水 |
Key Words:waste leather shavings floculant flocculation characteristic paper-making wastewater |
基金项目:基金项目:教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(NCET-08-0367);四川省青年基金(2010JQ0009);四川省生物质改性材料工程技术研究中心课题(09zxbk04)。 |
摘要点击次数: 5655 |
全文下载次数: 1679 |
摘要:采用以废皮屑为原料制备的胶原基絮凝剂(CF)处理造纸厂的中段废水,考察了在不同用量和不同pH值下对废水脱色率、CODCr去除率和TS去除率的影响,并对该废水的絮凝曲线进行了研究。结果表明,CF对中段废水具有显著的絮凝作用,它能有效地降低废水的色度和污染负荷。在CF(阳离子度1.55 mmol/g)用量为0.8 g/L,pH值为6.0的条件下,废水的脱色率、CODCr去除率和TS去除率分别为92.0%、47.8%和13.4%,且絮凝物沉降速度快,最终污泥体积小。 |
Abstract:The collagen-based flocculant (CF) was prepared by using skin waste from tannery as raw material and used for the flocculation treatment of paper-making wastewater. The effects of amount of CF on the color removal rate, CODCr removal rate and TS removal rate were studied in different pH conditions, and the settling curve of the wastewater flocculated by CF was also investigated. The results indicated that CF exhibited a satisfactory flocculation effect on paper-making wastewater. The color removal rate, CODCr removal rate and TS removal rate of the wastewater flocculated by CF were 92.0%, 47.8% and 13.4%, respectively. And CF can lead to a fast settlement rate and produce a small volume of sludge, which is similar to the level of using polyaluminum chloride (PAC) as flocculant. The preparation and application of CF is significant considering to fully use biomass resource and environment protection. |
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