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三叶形粘胶纤维对过滤纸性能的影响 |
Effect of Trilobal Viscose Fibers on the Performance of Filter Paper |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.12.005 |
关键词: 过滤纸 三叶形粘胶纤维 物理性能 过滤性能 纳物容量 |
Key Words:ilter paper trilobal viscose fiber physical properties filtering properties dirt holding capacity |
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摘要:对两种纤度相同的三叶形粘胶纤维和普通粘胶纤维的形态和滤水性能进行了分析,并进一步就两种粘胶纤维的用量对过滤纸物理性能和过滤性能的影响进行研究。结果表明,粘胶纤维含量低于50%时,两种纤维对过滤纸平均孔径、透气度和耐破度的影响差别不大,但含三叶形粘胶纤维的纸张厚度比含普通粘胶纤维的要大。随着三叶形粘胶纤维含量的增加,滤纸的过滤阻力降低、纳污容量增大,但过滤精度有所下降;当粘胶纤维加入量为30%时,对于含三叶形粘胶纤维和含普通粘胶纤维的两种滤纸,二者的过滤精度无显著差异,前者的纳污容量是后者的1.28倍。 |
Abstract:In this paper, the morphology and drainability of trilobal viscose fibers and ordinary viscose fibers which have the same fineness wereanalysed. The effect of the contents of two kinds of fibers on the physical and filtration properties of the filter paper were also studied. The results showed that when the content of viscose fibers less than 50%, the average pore size, air permeability and burst strength of the sheet had little difference, but the thickness of the sheets containing trilobal viscose fibers was higher than the sheets containing ordinary viscose fibers. With the increase of trilobal viscose fibers, the filtration resistance of the sheet declined and the contaminant holding capacity increased, but the filtration efficiency declined meanwhile. When the content of viscose fibers was 30%, the contaminant holding capacity of the sheet containing trilobal viscose fibers was 1.28 times higher than that containing ordinary viscose fibers, and the filtration efficiency was no significant different. |
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