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圆网纸机生产挂面箱纸板的技术改造 |
Rebuilding Experience of a Cylinder Machine |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.09.013 |
关键词: 圆网纸机 技术改造 压力活动弧形板成型器 |
Key Words:cylinder machine rebuilding former with pressure movable arc plate |
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摘要点击次数: 5492 |
全文下载次数: 2854 |
摘要:介绍了圆网纸机采用折流带压活动弧形板成形器、三辊半湿压光机,改换大辊径压榨,增加烘缸组,增设表面施胶机和压光机等系统的技术改造情况。生产实践表明,改造后,车速由改造前的95~130/min提高到95~230 m/min,日产量由改造前的35~45 t提高到100~135 t,且所生产的挂面箱纸板和瓦楞原纸档次得到了提高。 |
Abstract:The rebuilding experience of a cylinder machine is introduced in this paper. A cylinder machine consisted of a former with movable arc plate and zigzag flow was rebuilt, in addition to the original three rolls hemi-dry calender was replaced by a large diameter roll press and the number of drying cylinders was increased, a surface sizing press and a calender were newly installed. The speed of the rebuilt machine increased from 95~130 m/min to 95~230 m/min, and its capacity increased from 35~45 t/d to 100~135 t/d when packaging paper was produced. |
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