热分散处理条件对胶黏物分散与后续去除的影响第2部分 溶解物质、胶体物质和悬浮固形物的产生与去除
Heat Dispersion of Sticky Contaminants and Their Removal by Post-flotation Part.2 Dissolved and Colloid Substances and Suspended Solids
关键词:  热分散  胶黏物控制  溶解和胶体物质  悬浮固形物
Key Words:heat dispersing  control of stickies  dissolved and colloidal substances  suspended solids
于海龙1 1.山东轻工业学院制浆造纸科学与技术省部共建教育部重点实验室山东济南250353 
高 扬1,2 1.山东轻工业学院制浆造纸科学与技术省部共建教育部重点实验室山东济南2503532.华泰集团有限公司山东广饶257335 
张凤山2 2.华泰集团有限公司山东广饶257335 
秦梦华1 1.山东轻工业学院制浆造纸科学与技术省部共建教育部重点实验室山东济南250353 
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摘要:通过改变热分散系统的处理温度、齿盘间隙以及进浆浓度,研究了废纸脱墨浆中溶解和胶体物质(DCS)以及悬浮固形物(SS)的含量及其变化,讨论了随后的后浮选过程对这些成分的去除效果。研究结果表明,提高处理温度、减小齿盘间隙或增加进浆浓度,都能使热分散处理后浆料中的DCS含量显著增加,构成DCS的溶解物质(DS)和胶体物质(CS)含量也相应分别增加。在温度为100℃、齿盘间隙为0.3 mm、进浆浓度为30%时,与进入热分散机之前浆料中的含量相比,DCS增加了13.6%~16.8%,DS增加了5.7%~5.9%,CS增加了60.7%~65.3%。然而,热分散之后虽以CS的增加量为多,但浆料中DCS的主要构成仍是DS。热分散之后浆料水相中的SS含量显著增加,达到了21.7%~26.0%。后浮选过程可以有效去除SS,去除率达到45.2%~46.7%,CS的去除率仅为6.1%~6.8%,浮选过程难以去除DS。
Abstract:In this paper, effect of heat-dispersing on dissolved and colloidal substances, and suspended solids was quantitatively investigated by varying temperature, disc clearance, and inlet pulp consistency. Furthermore, their removal in subsequent post-flotation was examined. The results showed that raising temperature, reducing disc clearance, or increasing pulp consistency improved significantly the dispersion of sticky substances, and increased amount of DCS in deinked pulp. Under temperature of 100℃, disc clearance of 0.3 mm, and pulp consistency of 30%, DCS, dissolved substances, and colloidal substances were increased by 13.6%~16.8%, 5.7%~5.9%, and 60.7%~65.3%, respectively. DS were as a major component in DCS, although CS were showed with a higher increasing rate after dispersion. SS were increased significantly after heat-dispersing, reached to 21.7%~26.0%. The post-flotation removed about 45.2%~46.7% of SS, and 6.1%~6.8% of CS, while only small amount of DS was removed.
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