Study on the Treatment of Tobacco Sheet by Fe-CA Biomimetic System
关键词:  仿酶体系  烟草薄片  抗张强度  柔软度  评吸
Key Words:tobacco sheet  biomimetic  lignin  tensile strength  softness degree  smoking
刘志昌1 1.湖北中烟技术中心重组烟叶应用技术研究湖北省重点实验室湖北武汉430040 
王学文1 1.湖北中烟技术中心重组烟叶应用技术研究湖北省重点实验室湖北武汉430040 
唐向兵1 1.湖北中烟技术中心重组烟叶应用技术研究湖北省重点实验室湖北武汉430040 
安 瑞2 2.湖北工业大学化学与环境工程学院湖北武汉430068 
王 磊2 2.湖北工业大学化学与环境工程学院湖北武汉430068 
谢益民2 2.湖北工业大学化学与环境工程学院湖北武汉430068 
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摘要:利用Fe-CA仿酶体系处理烟草物质(烟梗和烟碎),抄造烟草薄片,通过正交实验,确定仿酶体系的最佳处理条件为:处理温度45℃,处理时间30 min,仿酶用量20 mmol/kg,H2O2用量1%。最佳条件下烟草薄片的柔软度和抗张指数与空白样品相比,分别提高了11.4%、5.2%;对仿酶体系处理后的烟草薄片进行评吸,结果表明,烟草薄片经仿酶处理后,其香气、杂气和谐调程度有一定的改善,木质杂气减少,刺激性较小,品质提高,达到了提高烟草薄片物理性能(抗张强度、柔软度)与品质的双重效果。
Abstract:The tobacco(stem,scrap) treated by Fe-CA biomimetic system was used to made tobacco sheet by using a sheet former, through the orthogonality experiment the optimum treatment conditions of the tobacco(stem,scrap) are achieved as following: reaction temperature 45℃; reaction time 30 minutes; dosage of biomimetic 20mmol/kg tobacco; H2O2 1%. The tensile strength and softness of the tobacco sheet produced under the optimum condition increased about 5.19% and 11.43% respectively compared with the control sample. At the same time, smoking assessment indicates that the aroma, bad odor and harmony of the tobacco improve in certain degree, woody odor reduces, the stimulation of tobacco reduces and quality is improved.
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