Low-carbon Footprint Development Path of APRIL SSYMB Pulp and Paper
关键词:  林浆纸一体化  育林  固碳  低碳  节能  节水  清洁生产
Key Words:integrated forestry  pulp and paper  carbon sequestration  low-carbon footprint  energy saving  water conservation  cleaner manufacturing
马克顺 山东亚太森博浆纸有限公司山东日照276826 
张守国 山东亚太森博浆纸有限公司山东日照276826 
江健儿 山东亚太森博浆纸有限公司山东日照276826 
摘要点击次数: 6026
全文下载次数: 2222
Abstract:Since its founding, APRIL (Asia Pacific Resources International Limited) has followed an integrated “forestry, pulp and paper” development strategy by plantation for carbon sequestration and rotating harvesting for pulp and paper production. The total investment in SSMYB Phase 1 and Phase 2 for environmental protection was 3.63 billion RMB, the highest among all Chinese pulp mills. Based on national authority's assessment, SSYMB's effluent pollutants are less than the limit set up by the European, American and Japanese standards, among the most advanced levels of cleaner production in the world. Employing the world's most advanced technologies in energy-saving, water conservation and waste treatments, SSYMB reaches water reuse rate of 90%, alkali recovery rate of 99.3%, black liquor recovery rate of 100% and energy self-sufficient rate of above 90%.
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