
图1 木材原生细胞壁的物质组成和脱木素后物质组成示意
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of material composition of cell wall of primary wood and after delignificatio

图2 光线在原木(左)和透明木(右)细胞中的传播路线
Fig. 2 Route map of light propagation in cells of log (left) and transparent wood (right)

图3 制备透明木基功能化复合材料的示意
Fig. 3 Diagram of preparing transparent wood-based functional composites

图4 不同透明木基功能化复合材料用于智能窗户的示意图
Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of different transparent wood-based functional composites used in smart windows

图5 不同透明木基功能化复合材料用于电子器件的示意图
Fig. 5 Schematic diagram of different transparent wood-based functional composites used in electronic devices

图6 不同透明木基功能化复合材料用于发光材料的示意图
Fig. 6 Schematic diagram of different transparent wood-based functional composites used for luminescent materials
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