
图1 “林浆一体化”企业碳足
Fig. 1 Carbon footprint of “Forest-Pulp Integration” enterprisi

图2 造纸和纸制品生产企业温室气体核算边界示意
Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of GHG accounting boundary of paper and paper products manufacturing enterprise
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |

图3 利用石灰窑部分氧燃料燃烧脱木素降低CO2捕集成本示意
Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of reducing CO2 capture cost by combustion of lignin with partial oxygen fuel in lime kil

图4 CO2酸化与溶剂回
Fig. 4 CO2 acidification and solvent recover

图5 塔罗油皂的超临界酸
Fig. 5 Supercritical acidification of tar oil soa

图6 CO2饱和沉淀法生产木质素纳米颗粒装置
Fig. 6 Schematic diagram of the SAS apparatu
注 1—CO2钢瓶;2—CO2冷却器;3—CO2泵;4、9—流量计;5、10、17—过滤器;6、11、15—换热器;7—液体供应;8—液体泵;12—喷嘴;13—200 nm不锈钢溶体容器;14—沉淀池;16—气液分离室。

图7 基于气化的二甲醚和丁二酸联产与CO2捕获和利用相结
Fig. 7 Co-production of DME and succinic acid coupled with the CO2 capture and utilizatio
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